Hope Cinema — Movie Theater in Hope

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Hope Cinema

Movie Theater at 376 Wallace St, Hope, BC V0X 1L0, Canada, Hope, British Columbia, V0X 1L0 . Here you will find detailed information about Hope Cinema: address, phone, fax, opening hours, customer reviews, photos, directions and more.


Based on 5 reviews


British Columbia
376 Wallace St, Hope, BC V0X 1L0, Canada, Hope, British Columbia, V0X 1L0
V0X 1L0

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About Hope Cinema

Hope Cinema is a UK Movie Theater based in Hope, British Columbia. Hope Cinema is located at 376 Wallace St, Hope, BC V0X 1L0, Canada,

Please contact Hope Cinema using information below: Address, Phone number, Fax, Postal code, Website address, E-mail, Facebook. Find Hope Cinema opening hours and driving directions or map. Find real customer reviews and ratings or write your own review.

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Reviews of Hope Cinema

  • Aaron
    Added 2016.09.02
    Decent cinema, the snacks are overpriced(of course) and seating that could be better on busy days. But the film quality is fine, nothing to complain about really.
  • Christian
    Added 2016.06.11
    A great local theatre option. The titles are sometimes new release and others a little behind, but it's terrific to have a theatre in a small town. I love it. The only things I would change involve the timing. For those of us who have to get up early a 7:30 start time is a bit late. Also, they often don't start on time, but wait for the line up to end at the concession, so many people come late, which exacerbates the problem. A 7:30 start time should mean the movie starts at 7:30. People would get used to that and come earlier.
  • Nolan
    Added 2016.05.18
    Great cinema. Classic old fashion. Cool to be back in time. Nick and I enjoyed seeing movies ther on up to date pitcher and sound. Low price. Great
  • Anna
    Added 2014.05.18
    Large digital screen and amazing sound system, love the popcorn and snacks, very reasonable prices and lots of seating. Once a month on Thursday they have the Hope movie club showing a classic movie from the past. Some real blockbusters and some cult classics! They even team up with the local restaurant down the block for a dinner based in a theme of the movie for the Movie clubs show. Makes for a great date night, dinner and movie what could be better!
  • Luna
    Added 2014.02.20
    What a great place to go to see a simple movie. A must do for any tourist.
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